Stay home – Pandora's Health

Why I’m flattening the curve

We’re in the middle of uncertain, and unprecedented times. Now more than ever, we need to do the right thing. That’s why I’m staying indoors.

It’s Mother’s Day here in the UK (22nd March) and a few days ago, it was my Dad’s birthday. I love my parents, and it breaks my heart that I haven’t been able to celebrate these two important days with them.

I don’t need to explain the reason why. You know what’s happening right now.

As it stands, the coronavirus pandemic is ongoing and is likely to keep going for the foreseeable future. It will be months before I can safely give my parents, and my mum in particular, a much longed for hug.

I have two high risk family members, in my immediate family at least (I have A LOT of aunts, uncles and cousins on Mum’s side, with various health conditions). Grandpa Beane is almost 94 and Mum has systemic lupus erythematosus. Because of this, she lives with asthma and fibromyalgia, which means that she lives with two of the key signs of the coronavirus infection.

I currently live 150 miles away from my family. They’re in Norfolk and I’m in Berkshire, where I commute into London from. I’m not commuting anymore though. I’m working from home, and have taken all my desk equipment (including a very heavy screen) home with me.

This cuts my daily human contact by about 75%. I’m not on crowded trains anymore, surrounded by other people. I’m also not in a busy office anymore, surrounded by other people… who in turn have commuted in having been surrounded by other people.

The gyms have closed, which I don’t really mind! My boyfriend is also at home right now, and is spending most of his time on the sofa as I sit at my “desk”. It’s actually a dining table.

I can’t do it alone though. I need more people to distance themselves, as much as they can.

The National Trust, with the best interests in mind, opened up their parks and open spaces for free to help people get some much needed fresh air and exercise. Unfortunately, they’ve had to close their gates after only two days, thanks to everyone taking them up on their offer!

We went for a walk yesterday and saw a lot of people gathering and interacting, which exactly what we’re not supposed to be doing. What’s more, queues for supermarkets are snaking round car parks.

Please, please, PLEASE keep your distance and cut down your interactions.

Yes, we should go outdoors when needed, and even I will admit that I fell into the trap of ‘just popping out to X shop for something’. Well, as we’re two weeks behind Italy with this crisis, I’m stopping myself from now on. We’ll buy food and drink once, and that’s what we’ll have for the week (bar a once a week order from a local restaurant/takeaway – they need our support).

I’m writing this from a very lucky position, and I realise that. I have an income, I have a home and I have food. What’s more, I have a supportive boyfriend and family who stay in contact from afar.

Stay safe everyone. Stay indoors.

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  1. Thanks for sharing your experience. I know it’s a hard time right now but I agree with limiting our socialization as much as we can so we can flattening the curve. We can get through this together! Sending you a virtual hug 💖

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You’re right that few of us doing won’t make a large difference. It could, but ultimately we need everyone’s efforts on this. I’m proud of my country (India) for following the 14-hour self imposed curfew because everyone is together on this.

    Stay safe and healthy 💛


  3. After something of a mad scramble, my workplace finally set everybody up to work from home last week which is such a relief. Hopefully everyone starts to do their bit sooner rather than later ♥️ Stay safe x


  4. This is so true, we all need to do our bit to make a difference here. It’s crazy that people are still gathering in large crowds, I saw photos of the beach yesterday and it looked packed. We just need to stay in as much as we can and play our part. Thanks for sharing, such a positive and encouraging post ❤ xx

    Bexa |


  5. Well done for doing your bit. We’re self-isolating at the moment, but even when that isolation period is up we’re staying in – other than (like you) a weekly shop for food or trip to the pharmacy for medicines. I do wish more people would do what they can, there are some who have no option to go out and it’s important those of us who are fortunate to have an option make the right choice! x

    Liked by 1 person

  6. So sad you couldn’t celebrate with your family, but it is very important to flatten the curve right now and try to keep this thing from spreading too much further. Thanks for doing your part!

    Liked by 1 person

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